Friday, February 15, 2008

Subprime in Stick Figures

This blog is 99.99% surf-related, but occasionally something land-based does catch my interest and warrant a Horace post. This would be an example.

The Subprime Primer: How Subprime really works

Definitely worth a watch (And not just because it's on Google Docs -- although that certainly doesn't hurt!). As this is a family blog, I'll give advance warning of foul language.

Luckily I'm not directly caught up in this whole mess, but in a way we really all are. I really don't know much about any of it at all, but as someone who is in the market (however passively it may be) for a new home, I find myself paying more attention to these things of late. This slideshow does as good a job of anything I've yet to see of explaining the entire fiasco (humorously -- if you want real academia analysis and explanation you've come to the wrong blog).

Thanks to Bill Middleton's GChat status message for bringing this to my attention.

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