Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Session 177 - Sun Dec 21 - OB

Sunday Dec 21 aka WINTER SOLSTICE, 10-2, 6'6 Haut

Rinse rest repeat...back for more. Conditions still small but still clean, cleaner in fact, some good waves to be had. The best of 'em I managed to kook out on, that was a bummer. Had our full crew, me, Joel, Ramin, Josh, and the tropical board club definitely represented out there, got a bunch of waves. Was raining for a while, fun to surf in the rain. Everybody eventually took off, Ramin and Josh took Joel with them, I swapped out to the pink peace funboard and started hogging a bunch of waves, fun board for the day's conditions. My wetsuit is pretty phenomenal by the way, stayed out there for hours and never even began to feel a hint of coldness. I need to fix those little tears ASAP though, before they progress to something worse.

I hope that this doesn't mark my final session of '08, but, there's a chance it might...I caught the ONLY non-canceled OAK-PDX flight last night and am presently typing this looking out the window at what is literally probably a foot (ok maybe 6 inches) of SNOW. In all my years of Oregon living, never seen anything quite like it. Soon as I finish this post and finish my WFH responsibilities, I think I'll go look for Joel's snowboard in the attic and go for a spin around the neighborhood...

Back to surf -- I don't know if I'll be back in CA before the New Year but chances are pretty slim. ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY SEVEN sessions in '08...pretty good, but 180 woulda sounded better. 177 is such an odd number, not very satisfying.

Surf in Oregon??? Ya never know...


Ramin said...

177! You are my hero. Nice surfing out there. Keep up Horace, we all love it. Good times in 08, hopefully we'll keep on surfing in 09. Happy holidays dudeman.

Colin said...

seriously, nice work leading the charge Horace. Next year will be full of new adventures. Are you gonna set a session # goal for next year? I'm considering shifting my focus to surfing as many new spots as possible and maintaining a high average wave count, as well as session frequency. It sounds like I'm gonna need a computer to keep track of all this shit though, haha. Are you back on new years day? We should all paddle out to kick off the new year! maybe the yo? would suit the occasion...