Friday, March 13, 2009

Session 25 - Mar 11 - LM

Met Ramin at 7 at K Ave, but it didn't look that enticing. Freakin' freezing cold and low tide drainers dumping on about 1 foot of water. Unfortunately wasn't really getting hit with swell that much -- what was hitting was just closing out. Probably could've waited and gotten it pretty good for the second hour of the session but patience/pragmatism/forward-looking thinking has never been a strong suit of mine when it comes to finding waves. Anyways we left and drove up the coast and didn't find much better so I wound up at old faithful, making the most of it. As it usually turns out, it wasn't a total wash, it wasn't epic or anything that memorable but whatever it was fun. I caught a few waves that I surfed ok. 

Another sunny morning, once got past putting on that cold wet wetsuit it was all well worth it. 

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