Monday, September 22, 2008

Session 142 - Sep 20 - Hook/2nd/1st

Saturday Sep 20, 4:30-6:30, 6'2 KG

Daily double, after getting home from morning surf, firmly planted myself on the couch, stayed there a couple hours, then mowed the lawn and did some yard work (mowing the lawn, while it may seem pointless because I hardly have a lawn due to lack of watering (due to a drought we are in which makes me feel guilty sprinking drinkable water all over my grass) actually makes the yard look a lot better. Somehow, even though lawn doesn't grow without water, weeds do. I should call it mowing the weeds instead of mowing the lawn, that would be more appropriate. But as is often the case with yardwork, doing some spurs you to do more, so I wound up clearing the bike area, the hose area, and the chair area and mowing and clipping all those, also the outside entry area...looks a lot better and my yard just got ~10% more usable space!). Near the end of my yardwork, Joel went and checked the surf, and rode back saying it looked good and drop that rake and get out there, can't argue with that, surfboard > rake any day, so we pedaled on over to the Hook. Unfortunately was still more crowded than you'd like to see, quite a hodgepodge of surfing talent and surfing craft on display out there in quite a small area, really a bit of a mess, so we caught a couple and called it good. Contest was winding down at 2nd and 1st peak so we paddled on out there, got in position right as the final heat ended. Perfect timing, conditions actually pretty good, and managed to catch a few prime waves before the post-contest crew was out, which didnt take them long...maybe 20 golden minutes and then it was back to Saturday afternoon business as usual. Caught some insiders, mixed up a few short lefts, and one or two good ones of note and paddled on in. All in all, pretty good surf Saturday.

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