Saturday, January 30, 2010

Income Streams

Owning an apartment complex hasn't exactly proven to be an instant moneymaking enterprise (yet)...

but at least the laundry room keeps us supplied with a very steady source of quarters.

Leave me a comment with your best guess on how much money that is...I'll buy a beer for whoever is closest. (or a free load of laundry. your choice)


snoodle said...


Blaze The Trail Cat said...

25 cents!

Nic said...

25 cents?? Whaaaaaa?? Way off.

Nic said...

well as the comments continue to come pouring in...I'll go ahead and end this contest now and declare:


Our grand prize winner. The correct sum of quarters was $102.25.

Yes One Hundred and Two Dollars and Twenty Five cents!

Congratulations Snoodle on your virgin pina colada, I will get it for you at our next beachside dinner date.