A few weeks ago I had the privilege of going up to Spokane, Washington, and participating in the LARGEST 3-on-3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT IN THE WORLD.
Participating is not the right word.
A few weeks ago I had the privelege of going up to Spokane, Washington , and DOMO-ING the LARGEST 3-on-3 BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT IN THE WORLD.
That's better!
Who knew that Spokane, Washington, population 195,000, eastern Washington state, near the Idaho border, would be home to the world's biggest 3-on-3 basketball tournament, but, apparently...
it is. The Spokane Hoopfest, 20th anniversary.
1 weekend
428 courts
6,701 teams
26,253 players
13,000 games
40 city blocks
It was a lot of fun and a great trip. Who cares that we only won 1 game. Hoopfest isn't about who wins or loses. It's about who has the best team t-shirt!
We Win
Thanks Dan O (and family) for organizing and bringing us up to your hometown...and all the good hospitality and free food.
No thanks Zac for pushing us into the '6 foot and over' division.
In addition to the hoopfesting, other highlights included some awesome sunsets and fishing on the houseboat, supporting the local Native American population by making a charitable donation at their casino, debating the merits of various frisbee golf disc personas, and finding my sandal after somebody decided to steal it one day and then bring it back the next. Thanks guy.